Via Deliblaticum with Deliblato Sands Wine trails - countryside, nature & tasting experience in Deliblato Sands area - "The European Sahara", an UNESCO tentative list of Protected Natural Heritage, Dolovo - West gate of „Deliblato Sands", gastronomic cultural heritage and historic viticulture region, vineyards of Deliblato Sands area.

Special Nature Reserve DELIBLATO SANDS


The name of protected natural estate: Deliblato Sands / Deliblato sandy terrain
Type: Special nature reserve
Category: I cat., Natural  estate of  exceptional importance
Classification IUCN: IV category, Habitat and  Species Management Area).
International status: IBA (Important Bird Area) region (1989),  The Swan Pithead.              

BIOSPHERE RESERVATION  within the scope of UNESCO –MAB (2001) programme.

THE RAMSAR region (2006). Included into the list of  Botanical potential important regions in Serbia, and into the list of potential EMERALD REGIONS. It is on the preliminary  list of THE WORLD'S  INHERITANCE under the protection of UNESCO.

Protection regime: Third- degree protection regime.
Position: Serbia, Vojvodina (South Banat)
Geographic position

Central point: 440 53'53"N – 210 07'35"E

Area : Total protected area: 34,829.32  ha /hectares
Scope:  135.380km
Altitude: between 70 and 200mnv

„European Sahara" - Deliblaticum


According to its origin Deliblato sands represents a unique phenomenon in Europe. It originated during the Ice Age out of powerful layers of  Aeolian  silicate- carbonaceous  sand. Free  sand used to be a great problem, because under powerful  wind košava  it was scattered  throughout wide  area of the Pannonian basin. Therefore Deliblato Sands was called "European Sahara" or " the oldest desert in Europe". Afforestation of the sandy terrain begun at the  time of Maria Theresa.

The wind Košava has  formed explicit  dune relief with altitudes  between 70 and 200 meters. Moderate continental climate, absence of surface watercourses and sandy soil brought about specific environments  that were segregated into a separate flora and geographical area - Deliblaticum. Deliblato Sands is the greatest European continental sandy terrain and it is situated in South Banat between the Danube and western slopes of the Carpathians, along regional road  between Belgrade and Timisoara.

Banat Greenway

West Gate of Deliblato Sands

The West Gate of "Deliblato Sands" - from the intersection of the road to Dolovo, on the regional road Belgrade-Pančevo-Kovin-Bela Crkva (134) - border crossing Serbia-Romania (Kaludjerovo-Naidas). The intersection of the road to Dolovo - at a distance about 6 km from Pancevo and about 25 km from Belgrade. Through Dolovo, it connects with the Deliblato sands.

Banat Greenway